Friday, December 24, 2010

Be Kind for Everyone You Meet is Fighting a Hard Battle

Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. This was once said by Plato. It is very beautiful and meaningful.

Sometimes life proves to be unfair. Things do not work the way you want them to. No matter how much you try, you have to try even more, and you cannot get things to the way they were.

You have experienced such times in your life one time or another. People get laid off. People lose their loved ones. People have to leave each other, etc.

All these situations represent change in our lives, which by the way in most cases we do not like very much. We want things to stay the same all the time. But that is not the case, and it is only through changing that we can learn and grow.

Some people anticipate change, some embrace it when it arrives, and like it, and some hate it. No matter what your attitude toward change, it is here to stay, so we had better like and enjoy it, otherwise we cannot be happy.

No matter what the change or the nature of it, you will go through a process of transformation, and you will have become the change once the process is over.

It is sometimes too hard to stay on track while you are going through some kind of change, and you need to know how to maintain yourself so you can keep moving forward.

One of the very valuable resources you can use at such times is your friends, family, your contacts, and those who love you.

Sometimes you do not need any material thing; you would not be satisfied even if you were given the whole world. Sometimes you simply need someone to listen to you, to talk to, and to share with them. Sometimes you need someone who listens to you without being any judgemental. And when you need it, nothing in the whole world can be traded for it.

If you want to have people in your life that care for you, you need to care for people first. In other words, you need to pay it forward. You need to be there for those who need you, treat them as you would like to be treated if you were in their shoes, care for them, and really connect with them. People around you are the most valuable resource in your life. You are going to need them all throughout your life.

It is simple to have good and nurturing relationships. Whenever you meet with someone, pretend as if you were meeting with the most important person on the planet, and you are on your way to becoming a relationship wizard.

Thank you for reading. I would appreciate your comments.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Are You A Creative Salesperson?

Are you a creative salesperson? Have you ever asked yourself this question? As an entrepreneur, you need to have a lot of tools in your toolbox, and keep updating them. That's just the way it is.

As an online business owner, and Internet Marketer, you constantly need to come up with new ideas and solutions to build momentum for your business, and keep going.

At any point in time, there are three groups in the online marketing community:

  • Those starting a new online business

  • Those dropping out of an online business they started a few months ago

  • Top three percenters

Your goal is to make it to the top three percent, if you are not already there, and be there for the rest of your online business life. In order for you to do this, you need to use your own intuition and creativity, apply your new ideas, and test them. If they work, keep doing them, and if not, replace them with new ideas.

Creativity is the the single one characteristic of all top selling salespeople, and it all depends on your self-concept. You are creative to the degree you believe you are. You will come up with creative solutions to the degree you believe you are creative.

Your creativity is stimulated by focused quality questions, pressing problems, and highly desired goals. The more intensely you desire to accomplish something, the more creative you are. The more specific the question, the more creative you are in answering it.

Creative selling begins with your thorough product knowledge. The better you know your product or service, the better you master the details, and the more creative you are in selling it.

In order to make it to the top three percent, you need to have some strategies in place, and improve them over time.

The rate at which you sell your products or services depends directly on how you present them to your prospective customers. Even if you have the best product or service in the world, you cannot sell them if you do not present them right. By presenting your product, you let your prospects know what you have to offer, and what they can expect to have in exchange for parting with their money. In order for you to be able to do a successful presentation, you need to do a basic analysis.

Your basic analysis begins with three questions:

  • What are the 5-10 most attractive features of your product? Or why should somebody buy your product? Or what is it about your product that makes it worthwhile that somebody should buy it?

  • What needs of your prospective customer do these features satisfy? What benefits does it offer? What is in it for the customer to purchase your product? (Your customers buy based on benefits not features.)

  • Why should they buy from your company?

Also you need to sell strategically. In strategic selling, you begin by identifying your best possible customer market, and concentrating on it single-mindedly.

The mistake that most salespeople make is that they attach the same value to every prospect. One prospect may a hundred times worth the value of another prospect. Try to answer the following questions:

  • Who is exactly your customer? Who buys your product or service right now?

  • Who might be buying it in the future?

  • Who bought it in the past?

Based on these quesions, you can find your best market, and concentrate on it, rather than trying to sell to anybody that comes your way. You need to identify who is the best candidate to buy from you, and then concentrate on them. Thank you for reading.

Creating advertising messages video (1:19)

Creating advertising messages video (1:19)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Internet Business | Set Your Expectations

You have started an Internet business, and you are not progressing as you expected when you started out.

As in any business venture, it takes a strong foundation and time to build momentum for your Internet business. It is very important to set your expectations, your goals, etc. realistically. While it is possible to have a very successful business in a short amount of time, you need to know that the foundation is where you want to work on very hard and make it reliable enough, so you can build the different levels of your business on it. It happens too often that business owners set very high expectations in the biginning, and face unnecessary discouragement way too early.

Do not try to get ahead of yourself. The Internet Marketing gurus started at the preliminary stages too, and went through all the stages you are going through, and today they are the gurus or the leaders.

It is well worth mentioning that your success is guaranteed if you are doing things according to a system that works, and produces the kind of results you desire to have. When it comes to Internet business, there are millions of business models on the Internet. They are not necessarily good or bad in themselves, and the fact that they exist, implies that they work, at least for those who are getting results through those systems. But the important point here is that you need to find the system that resonates with you, and your core values, while being flexible with your approach at the same time. Being an entrepreneur means that you need be as flexible as your circumstances demand, but remember that you cannot go against your core values.

Not being comfortable with selling is one thing, but not being comfortable selling a particular product or service is another. You need to understand that selling is a skill that you can learn, and get better and better at as you do it more, but you cannot ever be successful in selling something you do not believe in at a very deep level.

Another important point on setting your expectations is that everyone learns at their own pace. You know yourself well, and you know your own comfort zone. You need to constantly keep pushing slightly out of your comfort zone, live there for a while until you get comfortable there, and keep pushing out again. The degree to which you keep pushing out of your cofort zone on a day-to-day basis determines whether your progress is going to be maintained at a steady and sustainable rate, or you are going to wear yourself out, and eventually quit.

Have calculated patience with your business, set your expectations realistically, be savvy, work on your mindset, and you will definitely be successful in your Internet business. Good luck!

Monday, December 6, 2010

How to Get Your Message Across to Any Personality Type

Here is how you get your message across to any personality type by answering 4 simple questions.

It is based on David Kolb's work, and it is called Experiential, Experience-based learning. You can read about it online.

This is all based on how we learn:

  • You have a concrete experience.

  • You observe and reflect on that experience.

  • You form abstract concepts based on your thinking about the experience (create pictures in your mind)

  • You test those new concepts you formed.

Let me give you an example.

Imagine you had a near death experience. For example you were driving around a sharp curve, and you almost crashed.

You would probably reflect on your concrete experience, and form images in your mind based on that. You would probably say to yourself, "Wow, that was close! Also you would probably form images of yourself crashed or very badly hurt. And then you might say to yourself, "Maybe, I ought to slow down on that curve.." That's how we observe and reflect on our experiences.

The next time you drove down that road, you would slow down when you came to that curve. This way we test the new concept we formed.

This is how children and adults learn, and that is why it is very important to be allowed to make mistakes. We cannot learn if we do not make mistakes and learn from them.

There are four different personality types, and each of them learn differently. So in order to get and keep their attention, you need to speak to their style and their values. Here are the four personality types, and this is in order of their attention span, so you have to speak to the ones that have the least attention span followed by those who are more likely to pay attention.

  • Sales--These are the least attentive. They are persuaders and motivators, and about 25% of your audience is made up of them.

  • Scholastics-- Scholastics focus on objectives and outcomes. About 18% of your audience is made up of scholastics.

  • Technicals-- These are the geeks. They focus of operations and processes. About 25% of your audience is made up of Technicals.

  • Advocates / Marketers-- Those are creative, and they focus of opportunities. About 20% of your audience is made up of advocates / marketers.

Each of the groups discussed above have filters for learning, and those are the questions they ask for learning. So your answers to those questions get them to test their concepts, and take action.

Here are the four questions:

  • The Sales people ask, "Why?"

  • The Scholastics ask, "What for?"

  • The Technicals ask, "How?"

  • The Advocates / Marketers ask, "Now, what if?"

Now, let's say your message is, "Buy my product..."

The Sales category will ask, "Why should I buy your product?"

You should answer this question with benefits. For example, you say, "This product will bring you happiness, make you more attractive, save time, make life easier, save or earn money, etc."

The Scholastic category will ask, "What purpose should I buy this product for?"

You should answer this question with practical results. For example you say, "This product will accomplish these things for you, or do them better, faster, cheaper, etc."

The Technical category will ask, "How does this product work?"

You need to answer this question with processes or systems. For example you show them a demonstration, and say, "Here is how this product works and produces results."

The Advocate / Marketer category will ask, "What if I use this product to....?"

You should answer this question by suggesting how you could use the product in ways other than the obvious. For example you say, "Here is how you can make this camera to shoot videos, and make money."

Now, you need to cover these points in this order in your message to have the maximum effectiveness:

  • Why you should buy this product, how it will benefit you personally.

  • What this product will do, what it will practically accomplish.

  • How this product does what it does.

  • What or all of the creative things you can do with this product.

That's it. This how you can get your message across to any personality type by answering the four simple questions. Doing this will enable you to build rapport with your prospects, so the next thing they do is what you want them to do. Thanks for your attention.

I Believe Something Wonderful Is Going To Happen To Me Today!

I believe something Wonderful is going to happen to me today.

This is a great affirmation, and I've been using if for a while now. I keep repeating it to myself every day in the morning, and it does work.

You must have heard it said that you get what you expect. When you expect something to happen to you, it will happen. In this particular case, This wonderful affirmation serves to open your eyes, and lets you see all the wonderful things that do happen to you every day, but you simply don't see them. Here's a wonderful video that I can't stop watching, and reminds me of the same concept every time I watch it. It's from the movie, "Peaceful Warrior"

We always get a "rock", but we don't appreciate it.

Have a wonderful time, and thanks for reading.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Start an Online Business in India

This video tells you about my story, and how you can start an online business in India or anywhere else in the world. This business can be managed from anywhere in the world.

Having an online business needs time in the beginning but that is what you will have ten-fold once your business takes off. To take advantage of this business you can go to:

Go to the link below, enter your contact information, and I'll see you on the other side. Good luck!

Selling | Desire For Gain | Fear Of Loss

There are primarily two fundamental factors controlling your prospect's buying decision: desire for gain and fear of loss.

When people want to make a buying decision, they need to decide that they will be better off as a result of buying or using your product or service, than being worse off. And it is up to you to help them make that decision through your presentation.

Selling, desire for gain, and fear of loss are three concepts that are interrelated, and the nature of the relationship between them in every specific case determines whether you are going to make the sale or not.

Desire for gain simply represents the things that we expect to gain as a result of making the buying decision. We all want to be admired, liked, respected, successful, and healthy. We all want prestige, recognition, social status, power, influence, and popularity. We all want comfort security, companionship, knowledge, security, and self-actualization. We all want to feel that we are growing toward our full potential. The more of these we can obtain as a result of buying some product or service, the more likely we will be to make the buying decision.

Fear of loss simply represents the things that we expect to gain as few as as possible as a result of buying some product or service. You can think of those simply as the opposite of the examples given above. For example when we buy something, we want everyone admiring us for what we bought, and we never want anybody telling us that we made a bad decision. We never want to part with our money to gain something that will give us none or only a few of the things that we like.

The relationship between the fear of loss and desire for gain in the case of every specific transaction, and every specific person determines whether or not the person is going to make the buying decision.

When you do a sales presentation, if the person says that, "Let me talk it over to someone." or, "I'm not sure.", what they are saying is that, "You have not aroused my desire to own or enjoy the benefits of your product to the point that you have overcome my fear of loss, or making a mistake." or "You have not given me enough value reasons to cause me to make the buying decision. My fear of loss is still greater than my desire for gain, and it is up to you to put more on that scale to add more to my desire for gain, and to take away from my fear of loss."

So if you want to make the sale, you should always talk to your prospect in terms of what they want, not in terms of your product. You should analyze the person, and understand what is important to them, and then point out to the characteristics of your product that interest them in particular. Or if you have a good knowledge of your product, you could remind them that it could also be used to fulfill such and such needs that are by the way important to you.

A digital camera is usually used for taking pictures by most people. If you, as a salesperson, were talking to an ordinary consumer, and you want to convince them that they should buy the camera, you could talk about for example, the picture quality, or the number of pictures they could take before they had to recharge the battery, etc. But if you were selling the very same camera to an entrepreneur, those reasons might be interesting to them, but not enough. You could then include the fact that they could use the camera as a video camera as well, shoot videos, upload them to the Internet, and ultimately make money. In any case, the camera does not change, but you need to change your presentation so you can make the sales. In short, you need to discover the reasons that are interesting and important to them, and then structure your presentation around those specific reasons. Moreover you have to make sure that your presentation manages to remind them that desire for gain is dominant over fear of loss so they can easily make the buy decision. Thank you for your attention.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Psychology of Selling - Why People Buy

Since you are reading this article, I assume either you are in sales, or you are planning to. In any case, read on. There is something for you here.

It is very important to understand why people buy, and make those reasons, which by the may not interest you at all as the salesperson, the point of your presentation.

People buy for their own reasons, not for yours. The mistake that many amateur salespeople make is that they keep asking their prospects to buy from them for their own reasons, and no wonder it does not work most of the time. This is very important especially when it comes to psychology of selling, and why people buy.

When you want to understand why someone would buy your product, you need to go through some process called need analysis. Need analysis is the process you go through to understand what your prospect's reasons for buying your product or service are, or how they they would benefit from buying your product or service. In order to do that, you need to talk to your prospect long enough to understand their personal reasons, and of course be a very good listener. If you give people a chance to talk, they will definitely tell you what their reasons are, and then you can structure your presentation around their reasons. In fact people love to talk about themselves and what they like. When you as a salesperson listen closely to them, and pay attention to what they have to say, they will see you as a professional, and they conclude that you care for them. And that alone would buy you the sales.

Once you truly understand the psychology of selling, and why people buy, it is very easy to sell anything to any personality type. Selling, more than anything else is all about people's psychology, and bonding with them on a human level, other than the technology that is available to you for your presentation, or even the nature of your product or service. People can understand when you really care for them, and are honest with them. If you have a good knowledge of your own product, you can easily understand if your prospect is going to benefit from using your product based on your need analysis. If then you tell them the truth to the best of your knowledge, and do not just try to push your product on them, you will own their trust, and that is much more valuable than making a single sale and lose your customer for the rest of your sales life.

It is very important to understand that if you focus of selling, you cannot sell, but if you focus on serving, your customer will thank you by buying your product or service, and you will have made the sale. Thank you for your attention.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Budget Internet Marketing Plan

If you are an online marketer, and you are on a budget, this plan helps you enormously to have a successful online business if you take action on it. That is what only 3% of marketers achieve. It is easy, but it needs diligence, persistence, perseverance, and determination. If you do not have any of these qualities just now, do not worry. You will add them to your tool kit as you go along, and moreover it is going to be a fascinating journey.

You want to use the free advertising methods as much as you can in the beginning, until you earn some money, and reinvest into paid advertising methods. Moreover if you implement this plan of action, you are going to build an online presence, which will then serve you as a strong foundation upon which you can go on building and improving your online business. Here is what you can do to build your online business, and have an online presence with a budget of $500 or even less.

  • Video Marketing

Sign up with Trafficgeyser. They teach you from scratch how to build you list, educate them, and have them buy your products or services all through video marketing without having to sell anything. There are valuable resources and training in your trafficgeyser back office such as video marketing strategies, keyword research, online marketing in general, and a lot more. They distribute your videos, blog posts, content, and whatever you have to every directory on the Internet, and you will be on top of all search engines in a matter of months.

You could use Youtube and Tube Mogul as free video marketing strategies to brand yourself online. Customizing your Youtube channel is a great way to brand yourself, and show your subscribers/followers who you are as a person, and how you are different from others. You can design your Youtube channel yourself. In order to do that, you can Google "free youtube designs", and use the free resources on the Internet. Alternatively, you can outsource it all together. You can hire a freelancer from either of the following websites.

  • Social Media

Social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace give a great head start, and get your name out there, if you use them the right way. With social media, your goal is to add value to those following you, and educate them, and not pitch them on your business opportunity or service at all. People do not like that, and those who do that.

Betternetworker is also a great website where you can socialize with other marketers, and build relationships.

You can set up a group on Facebook, and put valuable content on there. It takes some time for your group to catch on, and for people to get to know about it, and recommend it to others, but it is definitely worth it. You will be amazed at how rapidly your Facebook group becomes popular if you put value content on there, and serve your members in the best way you can.

There are some automation tools for your social media web sites that will save you a lot of time, but as you know, social media is all about relationships. So though it's not possible to do everything manually, at least once the number of people on your list grows, but you can always give it a personal touch, and have a personal relationship with those that follow you, subscribe to you, or join you in any ways.

For your Twitter account, you can use Tweepi to follow and unfollow people. Also you can use Tweetdeck to manage your account, automate some tasks, and make things much easier. You can use Socialoomph to schedule you Twitter updates, and make your Tweeting pretty automatic.

Aweber, as you know, is an email automation service and it helps your business in many ways. It is a paid service, but you definitely want to use it

Register yourself with Aweber, and it will cost you $20/month.

Once you do a vidoe, blog post, etc., you should broadcast it to all your lists on Awerber- you do realize that you should broadcast only the kind of content that is relevant to your list- and let them know that you have created new content. Also you want to publish your content to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and all the other networks that you have.

  • Blogging

If you want to use free blogging services, you can use, and They are both free, and rank so well in Google.

If you want to have your own domain name, host your own blog, and have much more control over your website, you can use Here is how you can get a blog. You can go to Hostgator, buy a domain name, and have it hosted by Hostgator itself. They have great hosting services and plans. Then you can install a Wordpress blogging platform on your shared hosting account from inside your website Control Panel in less than 10 minutes, and you are ready to go.

On your blog, you introduce yourself to your audience as a person, not as salesperson. Your blog is all about you as a person, and your goal is to brand yourself, and not your business opportunity on your blog.

Here is what you do on your blog:

Make at least two new posts every week. Your posts should be short, to the point, informative, and well written. Remember that every post should talk to your reader about only one point and then sign off. About structuring the text, you need to break the text down to digestible chunks, paragraph, etc., so your readers want to read through your posts. You need to make every effort to make it as easy as possible for them to read your posts.

Put your affiliate links on your blog, so your visitors can sign up to different services through your links. This way, you will get paid if someone signs up through your.

Along with your Aweber account, you will have an option to make web forms, and place them wherever you want. You want to go to your Aweber account, create a list, make a web form related to that list, and then place it on your blog. Your visitors can then subscribe to your blog- as you can see on the top right hand side of this page- through your form, and then be added to your broadcast list.

  • Articles

Article help you a lot in ranking in search engines, and you can link back to your blog through your articles.

You can start with Ezinearticles, and then publish your articles to more websites as you go along.

Follow this plan for at least two months, and you will definitely be successful. Thank you for your attention.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Best Online Bussiness Opportunity In India

You're here probably because:

  • You already have a good job, and it pays well, but you cannot spend much time with your family, probably because you have to work at night, or you have to spend long hours at work so you can pay for your obligations, and so there is not much time left.

  • You have been switching back and forth to different jobs, but you cannot find what you want, or you are not a job type of person at all.

  • You have been working jobs for quite a long time now, you have experienced the game enough, and now, you are tired of the rate race.

  • You have always had dreams, but never thought you could realize them, and now you think it is time you start living you own dreams.

Whatever your reason, read on. We have a solution for you.

If you study the search results on Google, you will find out that millions of people are searching for phrases like, "best online business opportunity in India" There are many kinds of jobs online available to the residents of India. As you probably have searched for "best online business opportunity in India", or some variation of that, you do understand that this article describes a business, and not a job.

Things were much simpler before 2008, and the whole global recession story. Once it started, our lives changed considerably, and they are not going to be the same never again. Now, we have to change. Now, we have to change our ways, educate ourselves, and try new things.

Entrepreneurship is one the most awarding careers in the world. It has always been. Not many people become entrepreneurs. Their mindset does not support that kind of behavior. You see, whatever you want to do in your life has to be supported or approved of by your mindset, or you cannot get yourself to do it. It is very simple, and it applies to every area of your life. So if you want to make any changes to any aspects of your life, and you want to follow through, you need to start from your mind, and once you are done with your mindset, the change happens automatically in your life. You first need to work on the inner change though. This is where fully 93% of our community have problems, otherwise they all were millionaires.

We are a group of successful entrepreneurs, and we are doing great in spite of the global recession. We have a system that is well capable of showing people how to become wealthy, and not only rich. You do realize that being rich is far different from being wealthy, and they can in no way be compared to each other. Applicants join our community, learn online marketing from those who have already created phenomenal results, build up their own successful businesses online, and go on to helping others create the same success story for themselves.

We are not a special group of people, or aliens. What we do is simple. There are already thousands of opportunities around you that you might never have even thought about. The Internet is full of opportunities too, and it is simple to take advantage of them. You just need to be aware of them, and know how to go about them. That is what we show our members, and they are doing great.

Think about it.

Wouldn't it be great if you could live wherever you wanted, work whenever and from wherever you wanted?

Wouldn't it be great if you could write your own paychecks using the power of the Internet?

Wouldn't it be great if you were a member of a well-established group, that would educate you on a day-to-day basis, inform you about the latest income opportunities, and wealth creation methods that even Wall Street Consultants do not know about?

Wouldn't it be great if your whole business was all about self development, and helping others realize their own dreams?

We can do all of the above for you, or yet better to say, show you how you can do all of the above for yourself, and a lot more.

We are expanding our team in India, and this is basically a wake up call to all our friends to take advantage of this online business opportunity in India. You do not want to miss this. This could be one of the best business opportunities in India that could ever be proposed to you.

Here is what you can expect from us:

  • We will help you know yourself better, understand what you really want to do with your life, show you how you can accomplish your dream, and support you all along the way.

  • We will enable you to have access to the best online marketing education on the planet, and the most successful entrepreneurs that are creating fabulous results.

  • We will give you a fully developed and professional online marketing system, that walks you through a process of going from wherever you are right now, to being an expert an online marketing.

  • We will give you websites, autoresponders, merchant accounts, etc., and whatever more you need to have to be a successful online marketer.

To start your own journey, click this link, and you will be all set. You are going to be taken to a fully automated system, and you are going to be guided all throughout the way. If you wish to talk to us, you can go to Wish you all the success, and thank you for your attention. Good luck!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Have Your Own Home Business

The global recession has taught us many valuable lessons already. People were laid out, families were torn apart, and a lot of people had to take extra classes just to manage to stay where they were. Employees's revenues were slashed, and their working hours were extended. People had to work extra jobs to manage their lives financially. Family members cannot see each other every day any more. Kids cannot see their parents in long times, and even in some cases do not know them well any more. Although experts predicted some time ago that it was going to end soon, it seems that we are going to have to deal with it for a while, and it is here to stay.
Things have changed considerably, but we have not. We always want things to stay the way they were before. We do not like change. We want to stick to our old ways. But we have to change at some point. We change as a result of pain or pleasure. We reach a point where the pain is so intense that we cannot take it anymore. Or we want to make our lives better than it already is, so the pleasure is the motivating factor. Whatever your motives are, if you have come to the point where you feel you should take action, and do somthing about your situation, read on.
Entrepreneurship, online marketing, or Internet marketing is so famous these days. Everybody talks about how well it pays, and how easy it is to earn money online. But the point is that fully 97% of the people who start this business, quit after their third or sixth month. Only 3% of those who start are actually able to grow their business in a sustainble way. There are many reasons why people fail at online marketing.
Internet is a place where you can easily publish anything to many places, and in many cases nobody reviews your articles, videos, or whatever your content is. You are free to say anything. There are some rules and restrictions, but as long as you do not offend somebody, you are free to talk and write about your own subject. For the same reason, there are many web sites that promote get-rich-quick programs. Many people buy what they advertise, sign up for the program, spend some time and money, and are not successful once the stipulated time is over. They drop out, and try some other program, but this time, they try not to make the past mistakes. But the fact is that nobody can stop making mistakes. We stop making mistakes the day we leave this world! Moreover, there is no prefect system on earth. All systems, even those that work, have a lot of flaws. But there are some systems that have been around for some time, and have been refined over time. Those systems work for almost anyone who sticks to what the system teaches, and does not try to reinvent the wheel. The bottom line is that if you join the right system, and do what the successful people have done before, you too will be successful.
You cannot do something well if you are not educated on it. People fail at online marketing for the simple reason that they do not know how to do it in the first place. You need a good and practical online marketing education to be successful. The company that you join must educate you on online marketing concepts in a practical way, and take by the hand, show you the way, until you are good at marketing.
In most online marketing companies, you find somebody that is already a member, and you join the company and the business through that person. You must know who your sponsor is, and make sure that they are a good mentor. The success of your business, in the beginning considerably depends on the your sponsor's assistance. You must make sure that they will actually help you to be successful, and will not leave you until you can manage your business all by yourself. Of course you are going to need their help every now and then even once your business is up and running, but then you will not need them so much as compared to the time you start out. Your sponsor must be a dependable and responsible person committed to your success.
When you start out a new business, you do not know much about it. You do not know how you really need to start your business in a sustainable way. You do not know what tools you need in the beginning, and how to get them. If you want to figure them out all by yourself, you are going to need a long time to get started, and by the time you have figured them all out, you have lost your motivation, and you quit. Nobody knows everything about the Internet, at least to the extent they need to know in order to have a business online. Nobody knows how to manage a web site, a blog, and many social media web sites unless it is their profession. So the company that you join must have all of the facilities that you need in place, and give them to you in a digestible way, so you can make use of them, and do not get fed up with the fast flow of the information you need to keep up with.
The community you are in touch with, could make you or break you. If you are in touch with some people who are high achievers, you are going to be a high achiever yourself. One the other hand, you cannot accomplish much if you are not surrounded with successful people. You should know what kind of people are members of the community you are going to join. It is very important.
Internet marketing pays well, and there is no doubt in that. But you must understand that it is just like any other brick and mortar business that you start up. In the beginning, nobody knows you, and nobody buys from you. But as people know you better, and know what you do online, your business starts getting its wings off the ground. Starting every business, offline or online takes its own time, and you should be patient enough for the day your business starts paying you. But you must know the difference between being patient enough, and being overly patient, if that makes sense to you.
A very important point marketers usually do not notice is that Internet marketing is a business like any other business. When you are at work, you need to work, or you will not be paid. Since this kind of business is usually done at home online, marketers do not take their business seriously, and they fail. As an online marketer, you need to perform a set of activities on a day-to-day basis from the beginning, until your are at the point where people see you as an authority in this industry, and want to interact with you. In other words, you reap what you sow.
A very important point that every marketer must know is that no matter what your business is, your goal is to place yourself as an authority and an information center in this industry, and not just as a simple salesman that only tries to sell his product or service. People like leaders who help them, educate them, and add value to them. Your goal as an online marketer is to be one.
I hope the points discussed here help you to make an informed decision if you are considering taking up online marketing full time or part time. Thank you for your attention.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Accepting Others Just As They Are

Everyday we come across different people from different backgrounds, having different mindsets in our lives. We tend to judge them in many ways, and compare them to the definitions of “good” or “bad”, “acceptable” or “unacceptable”, “appropriate” or “inappropriate”, etc. predefined for us by many different factors. If they meet our minds' complicated criteria of “good” for example, we call them good people, and decide to socialize with them, and if not, we try to have the least interactions, based on the nature of the relationship we have with them. If for example the person is your boss, you “have to” listen to what he has to say, even if he is so dull. If he is your neighbor, you try to say hello whenever you see him, just to be nice. But if you do not have to, the person is right out of your world!

Accepting others just as they are, greatly improves the overall quality of your life. There is a direct relationship between the contacts that you have, and the quality of your life. Whatever you want to have in your life, you need to obtain it through some person, channel or contact. The current quality of your life is the result of your current contacts that you have in every area of your life.

Every human being no matter who they are, what they do, what language they speak, and what their beliefs are, is perfect just as they are. If you look at people holistically, and see them as a combination of all the characteristic that they have, you can like them, and you can even love them.

The point here is that nothing outside you has any specific meanings except for the meaning you attach to it. The meanings you attach to things or events, could be chosen in a way that emopower you, or in a way that disempower you. The choice is up to you. Now, if we have the freedom to choose the meaning in any way we wish, why don't we choose the meaning in a way that empowers us, helps us to help others in better ways, and take advantage of the opportunities around us in better ways?

You see, every person that comes into our lives, comes for a reason, and they are a window to many opportunities that we even do not know we have. You must have heard it said that there is no one you cannot learn something from. So it is up to you to take your time, and see everything around not through that lens, but through absolutely nothing, and be totally neutral. If you scour anybody enough, you can find enough points so you can relate to them, help them, and use their help.

You have a healthy personality to the degree to which you can get along with the greatest number of different types of people. This faculty of you affects every aspect of your life, and determines how successful you are going to be overall.

If you are in sales, you come across all kinds of clients in a typical sales day. The more you sell, the higher your income. But you do realize that you cannot sell anything to somebody you do not like, nor are you able to buy anything from anybody you do not like. This is an automatic behavior, and it's common to all of us. So the more different types of people you can get along with, the more sales you have, and your sales, and by the way the quality of each of them, translates into your bank account.

We are all, more or less, pretty much on auto pilot. The decisions that we make are usually not informed ones, but automatic based on our mindset, and the state we are in at the time of making the decision. If you are in a resourceful state, it is much easier for your to like people, and want to interact with them. There are times in life that you should be able to change your state instantaneously, and act based on a resourceful state of mind, or the moment is gone. It applies both to opportunities to take, or bad situation to escape from.

Successful people have usually come to the understanding that they should treat anybody they meet as the most important person on earth. Once they do that, the person gives them back the best thing they have. This way, you will be greeted by the best version of any person you meet, no matter who they are. Some people argue that others are simply a reflection of us, and what you see as seemingly another person, is merely a reflection of yourself, and not really another person. It works most of the time for me.

Accepting others just as they are is not always easy. It take time, effort, and practice in the beginning. But once you do it, you life changes completely for the best. There is a reason for anything that we do in our lives, be it a very small unimportant thing, or something that we consciously try to find a reason for. Our nervous systems need valid reasons that can justify the action, and if we have the reason, we take the action. If you do not have the reason yet, you can start practicing it until you find the reason. You will be amazed at how your whole life changes for the good as a result of incorporating this simple behavior in your daily life.

In the competitive market today, there are numerous suppliers for every specific product or service. In the end of the day, the one that gets along better with a greater number of different types of people, can make the sale, which is every salesperson's ultimate goal. The simple principle of accepting others just as they are, can greatly affect your earnings, and it is very easy to implement. I hope you make it a point to incorporate it into your business life, and eventually into every area of your life. Thank you for your attention.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Make Money Online

You are here probably because:

  • You want to find out how you can make money online in a legal and sustainable way.

  • You already have an online business, but it is not working out well for you. You have heard that many people are having huge incomes online, and you want to do the same thing, but you don't know how.
No matter which group you are a member of, you are going to benefit from this article, although it is a long one. If you feel that you already know some parts, you may want to scan and skip them.

First of all, I would like to thank you for the privilege and the opportunity to share with you the little I know about Online Marketing. Let's get started.

In this section, we are going to dicuss what it really means to be an Internet Marketer, and what it involves. If you already know this, you can skip this part.

Online Marketing, or Internet Marketing, is a combination of certain skill set and mindset.

As far as the skill set is concerned, the following points are of great importance:

  • Basic Knowledge of computers and the Internet
If you already know how to send and reply to emails, how to search on the Internet, and how to work with simple social media web sites like Facebook, you already know this. Even if you don't have a good understanding of them, they are simple learnable skills that anyone can learn.

  • Article Marketing
Writing articles is a great way to promote your online business, and to let people know who you are, and what you do. What you are reading right now is actually an article. You write your articles and publish them to "Article Directories" where they are published after they have been read and approved by the mediators. Article Directories usually publish your articles for free, but there are paid services as well, where you get special services like immediate article publishing or the like. Article Directories publish your articles and make them searcheable by different search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.
Publishing articles places you as an authority in your own industry, and makes it very easy for others to find you on the Internet.
Article Marketing is an integral part of every online business. Like the many marketing strategies you are going to be introduced to shortly, you are going to do it for a while when you start your business. However, you might decide later that you want to outsource it, and concentrate on other ones. Once you have got your business up and running, you can decide for yourself which one you are good at and like, and which one you want to outsource.

  • Video Marketing
Video marketing is one the most powerful ways to promote your online business, and place yourself as an authority in your own industry. It is one of the many ways you can connect with your audience, educate them, and let them know who you, and what you do, and how you could help them.

It is very simple to include it as a part of your marketing strategy.
Have you ever talked to the members of your family, or to your friends about one of your experiences, or have you ever talked to your spouse about how your day was? I am sure you have. It is that simple, except in the beginning, you may be afraid of the camera, but over time, and as a result of the education that you obtain from your sponsor or the company that you join, it becomes easier and easier for you until you get to the point where the camera becomes your friend.

Certain aspects of this marketing strategy can be outsourced, but not the whole part, since the video is usually about promoting "you" more than anything else.

  • Classifieds Marketing

You have always seen the classifieds section in the newspaper. Nowadays, the offline press is going through some changes, and most of the newspapers are being taken online. Along with the emergence of online newspapers, "Classified Directories" have grown a lot.

People advertise online, and there are many advantages to this method as compared to the offline one. The advertisements are easily searchable, and they could be made local, national, and international. Your business gets a lot of exposure through the online method, and it is free in most cases unless you want your ad to be shown on top of others' ads.

If you can sell your old bicycle to your friend, you already know a lot about this. When it comes to international business, there are some points you need to know so you get the best results.

You want to optimize your ads, and you could learn that from your sponsor, the company you join, or the many resources you could find online.

  • Forum Marketing

Forums are places or web sites on the Internet, where people can register themselves as members, and take part in the conversations specific to the forum that are of interest to them.

For example, Microsoft, as a part of their web site and their services to their customers, have a forum, where members can ask questions about the problems they have with products or services Microsoft offers. Someone has bought an operating system, and they cannot work with a specific part of it. They can post their questions on the forum, and the members that have already had that problem, and know the solution, post their answers.

Likewise, Internet Marketing has its own relevant forums, and members help each other with the different topics specific to their businesses.

Through forums marketers place themselves as authorities in their own fields of expertise, and build rapport with their potential customers. Your potential customers could be turned into an actual customer over time once they really trust you, and know who they are dealing with.

If you want to make money online, forum marketing must be a part of your marketing strategy. It could also be outsourced once your business has grown enough, so you can focus on a specific aspect of your business personally.

  • Social Media Marketing

Social media is one of the most important parts, if not the most important part, of any online marketing business.

They are powerful tools that enable you as an online marketer to let people know who you are as a person, and build relationships with people. They are great places to show people what you do on the Internet on a day-to-day basis, and what you personal life looks like depending on how much you choose to share.

Some of the social media web sites that are commonly used by Internet Marketers are Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Squidoo. There are many more, but these are the most important ones.

There are many ways to manage your social media accounts. They need to be maintained every day. Many online marketers today, use some automation tools since it can be quite overwhelming when your business grows in size and volume over time, and with it, so does the number of your online contacts. Some poeple, however, consider it unethical to use automation tools to manage social media.

As an online marketer who wants to make money online, social media is your virtual store on the Internet. Many people spam theirs with sales pitches, and business offers. People turn off when you pitch them on your business opportunity even if you have the best in the world. If you do your job right, you do not have to pitch anybody on anything. People will ask you voluntarily about your business opportunity, and will want to join.

  • Blogging

Blogs or weblogs are personal web sites where people write on different subjects. Some blogs are personal, some business-related, and some maintained by companies.

Blogging is an essential part of online marketing. Some of the advantages of blogs are as follows:

  1. Blogs are easy to update. They usually have a simple graphical user interface, which is the software the blog user works with, through which the user updates the content every day. Web sites, on the other hand, need the user to have some knowledge of HTML, CSS, etc. to update the web site content.

  2. You can easily rank for your name, or your blog itself, in the search engine results, much more easier than you can for web sites.

  3. Blogs are great tools for building relationships, and they come in handy as compared to web sites.

Blogging must be an integral part of your online business if you want to make money online.

  • SEO Marketing

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. As an Internet marketer or entrepreneur, you want to reach out to as many people as you can. How would you do that?

Normally, whatever tools you use in your promotional campaigns, you can reach out to a specific number of people every day as a result of your own direct efforts. You want to be easily found by those who search for what you present as a business opportunity, or a solution to one of their problems on the Internet.

Through SEO Marketing, you would learn over time how to rank for your name, web log, company name, web site, or anything related to you on the Internet. You could learn this skill from the company you work with, if they have a good education paltform, or from the many different sources on the Internet. But the problem with the sources on the Internet is that, since you do not know much about the subject, at least when you start out, you could easily pay a lot of money for any course that would not serve your real needs and waste your time. Internet is full of courses, CD's, DVD's, etc. that claim to make you a millionaire over night. There may be nothing wrong with their products or services, but the responsibility lies within you to choose the right one for yourself.

This Marketing strategy must be on the top of your agenda if you are really serious about making money online. You also could outsource it depending on your own circumstances.

  • People Strategy

Probably the most important part of every business is how you deal with your customers, how you talk to them, how they see you as a person, and how much you try to solve their problems, rather than pushing your business opportunity on them.

When you want to make money online, you either have to offer a service or sell a product that people ask for. The product could be yours, and part of what you sell in your brick and mortar business, or someone else's.

If you do not have a product of your own to promote, you will have to promote some other product primarily related to anonther company and get paid commissions on your sales based on your agreement with the company you work with.

Internet Marketing is usually done in two ways:

  1. Some already have brick and mortar businesses, and want to promote their products or services online, so they get higher exposures in the market, and have more profits.

  2. Some, on the other hand, promote some company's products or services and get paid commissions on their sales.

As far as the members of the socond group are concerned, they usually complain about how hard it is to sell online, or they believe that they are not good at selling.

When you have a close look at successful online marketers, or the leader in this industry, they really do not sell anything. They never pitch anyone on their business opportunities. Others simply approach them and want to buy from them. People want to buy from them because they believe buying what they preach leads them to having what leaders have. People actually want to have what leaders have, otherwise nobody ever likes to buy anything if it does not lead to solving some problems of theirs.

Any business you do, online or offline, you will be successful if you are a leader in that industry. Leadership is learnable by anyone like any other skill, and it would say that the most important skill that your company teaches you must be leadership.

Well, these are some of the activities that you would be doing on a day-to-day basis as an Internet Marketer if you want to make money online. Like I said before, any of them is a learnable skill, and anyone can learn them. It is very important that you choose the right company, so you can make sure you will add to your tool box as you go along. If you can sacrifice your long term success and brighter future for some get rich quick techniques that might work today, but definitely no longer tomorrow, you will acquire skills that no matter where you go, or whatever industry you want to work in, they come in handy and sometime quite impressing.

Online Marketing is an interesting journey where you need to learn and update yourself every single day, and there is no end to learning since the Internet is constantly changing. Also you should be proactive and anticipate change, so you are not surprised when the strategy you worked so hard to find to fascilitate that aspect of your business stops working the next morning you turn on your computer.

Now if you think that doing all or most of the above meets your values regarding your ideal occupation or career, keep reading.

You do realize that you cannot be good at what you do not love, and you cannot make much money off of what you are not good at.

Now that you have made sure this business really suites your interests and values, you can now choose the company you want to work with.

There are many companies that apparently offer the same concept, most of which claim to be the best one on earth. Despite the fact that it really does not matter much where you work, as much as it matters who you are as a person, but the choice of your company and as a result of which the people you will be working with, really helps you become the kind of person you want to be somewhere down the road, and have the kind of income you want to have. You may want to consider the following points regarding the choice of your company:

  • Do not choose the companies that promise to make you rich quick without not much effort on your part, and in a short amount of time.

Choose the company that shows you the way how to create your own success rather than doing it for you through some kind of magic or unusual investment. Always keep in mind that there is no shortcut to success, and the only way is hard work. Once you have earned the kind of success that you want, nobody can take it away from you, since you have earned it.

  • Choose the company that offers great online marketing education.

The education that your company offers is extremely important. You want to choose the company that both offers good education for marketing, be it online or offline, and also the online implication of these marketing concepts through the free and paid online tools that are at your disposal on the Internet.

Both the parts are equally important. Most people fail over and over again at online marketing for the simple fact that they are not good at marketing in the first place. When you do not know the underlying and fundamental concepts of marketing, you will not be successful whether you do it online or offline.

Some people are good at marekting, but do not know how to choose their words in defferent situations. You need to know when to talk, when not to talk, when to listen intently, and how to choose your words so you get what you want from different people. Even if you intend to give them something, you will not be able to do so, if you do not know how to make them understand that they will be benefited if they have what you have to offer. Such matters are all around us in our day-to-day lives every day. It is just that those who know how to behave in different situations accordingly, have better lives and better incomes.

Some though, are good at the marketing part, but do not know how to use their marketing skills on an online platform.

All the different parts combined will make a good online marketer, and you could get all that if the company that you join has that education platform in place.

  • Choose the company that offers great community support.

The community you socialize with. or your peer group, is extremely important. You must have heard it said that your income equals the average income of the ten people you socialize with the most.

Ideally the online marketing community members get on online calls and webinars on a day-to-day basis, and let each other know about what they have been doing, what works, and what does not work.

Another advantage of a good community is that it gives you an entrepreneurial mindset, and so gives you the winning edge.

I could not emphasize more on the importance of your community since my mindset has changed a lot as a result of the community I have been socializing with during the past few months. I have become so positive, and look at things in a totally different way. I tend to see the positive side of every situation, and guess what, the positive side shows up most of the time.

Choose your community and the people you socialize with, with utmost care.

  • Make sure that first you really understand what it is that you are going to promote as the product or service of the company, and then make sure that you really believe people could be benefited from the product or service that you promote.

Human beings do not really try for something that they do not believe in on a very deep level. If you really believe something is worthwhile, you give it your all. But if not so, you may hang on to it when it is not so hard to do so, but when it get a bit hard to save it, you give up, since you do not really believe it worth your while.

If you really believe that the product or service you represent could really benefit others, you give it your all. You will try your best to convince others that they would be benefited if they bought it. And when people realize that you really believe in what you say, and see you as a person with integrity, they will want to buy from you.

If you look at marketins or simply selling on a deeper level, you will realize that people do not really buy your product; they buy "you"

That is where the term "branding" comes into play. Branding simply means how you let others to see you. It means what images or memories combined are represented on people's minds when they hear your name, or any other title they know you by. They might know you by the title, "the bank teller", but then what follows after somebody says "the bank teller", really matters, how you have branded yourself in people's eyes and minds. So you want to brand yourself shortly as a leader, be it in your business, or your personal life, so your success is guaranteed.

Another important point to be noted is that you cannot advertise a product online or offline very successfully, that has already been all over the market for a while. You would need to make a lot of efforts and invest a lot of time. That simply does not make much sense. So you want to find your niche market, and concentrate on something with great marketing potential, that preferably has not been tapped into much before.

Today there are soaps, lotions, potions, pills, juices, vitamin pills, and many such products that have saturated the market. Moreover, when you decide to market such products, there is not much potential for earning commissions on them, since they are usually very inexpensive in the first place.

There are some products though that are never outdated. A product that helps people improve the quality of their live never loses its marketing potentiality. Educational programs, wealth building strategies, etc. are good examples of this category.

So you want ot choose a product that you really believe is worth your time to work on, and has not been advertised by many people before.

Think of it this way. What would you choose to promote online or offline, if you knew you would not be paid for it? Answer this question, and start your business.

  • Choose a company or business model that pays you both commissions on your sales as well as residual income on your downline.

There are many companies and business models on the Internet with many being added to them every single day, each of which having their own rules and regulations. You need to comply with all their rules when you want to join their business opportunity. Today there is no security with almost any of the business opportunities on the Internet. Some though, have gained a good reputation over time.

To be on the safe side, you want to choose a company that pays you high value commissions on your sales, and a residual income on the sales made by your downline. Your downline are those people who sign up under you, or join your business opportunity. This way you can make sure that you will have your monthly earnings, and once you have built up your downline, you will not have to put in as much efforts to have a monthly income. Of course, there will be some people all the time that drop out, for many reasons, and the portion of your your residual income that depended on them, drains out.

So after a while, you will find yourself only making up for those who drop out, and replacing them with new applicants, and of course making a few sales a month.

To be successful online, you should keep yourself updated all the time, and act as an information center, so people want to come back to your web site or blog over and over again, learn from you, and lead you wherever you go.

  • Choose a company that helps you grow as a person, and improve your leadership qualities.

You must have heard it said that wise people do not work for money; they work for learning.

If the community you work with helps you grow as a leader, you will be a leader no matter where you go, and people will want to follow you.

Maybe the most important factor to consider when choosing a business opportunity is to decide whether it is going to help you learn and grow or not. Otherwise, wherever you work, you are going to earn enough money to take care of your expenses. Money is definitely very important in our lives, but when are we going to work on the other aspects of our lives?

The point is that when you take care of certain aspects of your life, that in most cases are ignored by most of us, money will automatically flow in.

Would you rather be a person who has enough money, and is a leader, so people want to follow him, buy from him, learn from him, and socialize with him, or the person who just has the money, but none of the other qualities?

You do realize that money is actually a by-product of the good qualities a person has. More often than not, you cannot be rich without having those qualities first. There are however some cases where people are rich, but not wealthy. Being rich is far different from being wealthy. "Being rich" is only about having money. "Being wealthy" on the other hand, means that the person is "rich", and has the good qualities as well. And you do know what someone's life looks like when they have a lot of money, but are not wealthy. Don't you?

Okay, now you have decided that online marketing is the right occupation for you, have chosen the right company, and joined the company. How are things going for you? Are you making any sales? Are you happy with what you have?

Well, things are a little bit hard during the first few months, but once you adjust to your new working conditions, understand the whole system you are working with, and get the big picture, you will be okay.

But this is the most important and critical part of your journey, once you have made it through the first few months.

Usually only 3% of Internet Marketers succeed and thrive, and those are the ones who just hang in there until they attain their desired results.

You see, you need some time in the beginning to learn any new system you start working with, and understand it, be able to manage yourself in time, focus on what you need to do, and not be carried away by the many web sites and different software you come across along the way.

You also need to give people some time ot know you on the Internet, trust you, and start working with you.

So basically you need to work hard upfront and reap the rewards later on.

Most people get discouraged once they have done almost whatever they needed to do to succeed. Once they are almost there, they quit. Don't let this happen to you.

On the other hand, some really give their all, but still do not succeed, and keep going from one system to another, or one company to another, but they never make it.

The key to success here is to give your all, but under the supervision of a tested proven system. In most cases, knowing what not to do is much more important than knowing what to do. Your time, capital, and all the other resources are limited, and without a good, step-by-step business plan you are not going to get anywhere. When you have a tested proven system, one that has already worked well for many people like you, it is almost impossible to fail.

This article was a little bit long, but I wanted to publish a complete guide to online marketing, as I knew it, for those who have always thought of starting it, but never have, since they did not know what they would be getting into.

There are times in our lives that there is something within us all the time inspiring us to take action on something. Most of the time we do not listen to that vioce, and it fades away after a while. We really do not know what our lives would look like today if we had listened to the inner voice within us, talking to and directing us all the time.

On the other hand, sometimes our minds do not really get started on something until we proactively take action on them.

Always remind yourself that there is nothing in the world you cannot do if you set your mind to it.

I would like to thank you for taking the time and reading through this long article, and I hope it has added something to what you already knew. If so, I have achieved my objective.

Go throught the article again, if you feel you need to. If you have any doubts about anything that has been discussed here, you are more than welcome to contact me.

If you feel that this is the right business for the kind of person that you are, go ahead and take aciton now. The timing could never be any better than NOW. You are never going to figure it all out before you get involved and get your feet wet. Take the first step in faith NOW, and the rest of the way will be shown to you.

Never stop dreaming and believing in yourself! Thank you for your attention.