Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Internet Business | Set Your Expectations

You have started an Internet business, and you are not progressing as you expected when you started out.

As in any business venture, it takes a strong foundation and time to build momentum for your Internet business. It is very important to set your expectations, your goals, etc. realistically. While it is possible to have a very successful business in a short amount of time, you need to know that the foundation is where you want to work on very hard and make it reliable enough, so you can build the different levels of your business on it. It happens too often that business owners set very high expectations in the biginning, and face unnecessary discouragement way too early.

Do not try to get ahead of yourself. The Internet Marketing gurus started at the preliminary stages too, and went through all the stages you are going through, and today they are the gurus or the leaders.

It is well worth mentioning that your success is guaranteed if you are doing things according to a system that works, and produces the kind of results you desire to have. When it comes to Internet business, there are millions of business models on the Internet. They are not necessarily good or bad in themselves, and the fact that they exist, implies that they work, at least for those who are getting results through those systems. But the important point here is that you need to find the system that resonates with you, and your core values, while being flexible with your approach at the same time. Being an entrepreneur means that you need be as flexible as your circumstances demand, but remember that you cannot go against your core values.

Not being comfortable with selling is one thing, but not being comfortable selling a particular product or service is another. You need to understand that selling is a skill that you can learn, and get better and better at as you do it more, but you cannot ever be successful in selling something you do not believe in at a very deep level.

Another important point on setting your expectations is that everyone learns at their own pace. You know yourself well, and you know your own comfort zone. You need to constantly keep pushing slightly out of your comfort zone, live there for a while until you get comfortable there, and keep pushing out again. The degree to which you keep pushing out of your cofort zone on a day-to-day basis determines whether your progress is going to be maintained at a steady and sustainable rate, or you are going to wear yourself out, and eventually quit.

Have calculated patience with your business, set your expectations realistically, be savvy, work on your mindset, and you will definitely be successful in your Internet business. Good luck!

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