If you are an online marketer, and you are on a budget, this plan helps you enormously to have a successful online business if you take action on it. That is what only 3% of marketers achieve. It is easy, but it needs diligence, persistence, perseverance, and determination. If you do not have any of these qualities just now, do not worry. You will add them to your tool kit as you go along, and moreover it is going to be a fascinating journey.
You want to use the free advertising methods as much as you can in the beginning, until you earn some money, and reinvest into paid advertising methods. Moreover if you implement this plan of action, you are going to build an online presence, which will then serve you as a strong foundation upon which you can go on building and improving your online business. Here is what you can do to build your online business, and have an online presence with a budget of $500 or even less.
Sign up with Trafficgeyser. They teach you from scratch how to build you list, educate them, and have them buy your products or services all through video marketing without having to sell anything. There are valuable resources and training in your trafficgeyser back office such as video marketing strategies, keyword research, online marketing in general, and a lot more. They distribute your videos, blog posts, content, and whatever you have to every directory on the Internet, and you will be on top of all search engines in a matter of months.
You could use Youtube and Tube Mogul as free video marketing strategies to brand yourself online. Customizing your Youtube channel is a great way to brand yourself, and show your subscribers/followers who you are as a person, and how you are different from others. You can design your Youtube channel yourself. In order to do that, you can Google "free youtube designs", and use the free resources on the Internet. Alternatively, you can outsource it all together. You can hire a freelancer from either of the following websites.
Social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace give a great head start, and get your name out there, if you use them the right way. With social media, your goal is to add value to those following you, and educate them, and not pitch them on your business opportunity or service at all. People do not like that, and those who do that.
Betternetworker is also a great website where you can socialize with other marketers, and build relationships.
You can set up a group on Facebook, and put valuable content on there. It takes some time for your group to catch on, and for people to get to know about it, and recommend it to others, but it is definitely worth it. You will be amazed at how rapidly your Facebook group becomes popular if you put value content on there, and serve your members in the best way you can.
There are some automation tools for your social media web sites that will save you a lot of time, but as you know, social media is all about relationships. So though it's not possible to do everything manually, at least once the number of people on your list grows, but you can always give it a personal touch, and have a personal relationship with those that follow you, subscribe to you, or join you in any ways.
For your Twitter account, you can use Tweepi to follow and unfollow people. Also you can use Tweetdeck to manage your account, automate some tasks, and make things much easier. You can use Socialoomph to schedule you Twitter updates, and make your Tweeting pretty automatic.
Aweber, as you know, is an email automation service and it helps your business in many ways. It is a paid service, but you definitely want to use it
Register yourself with Aweber, and it will cost you $20/month.
Once you do a vidoe, blog post, etc., you should broadcast it to all your lists on Awerber- you do realize that you should broadcast only the kind of content that is relevant to your list- and let them know that you have created new content. Also you want to publish your content to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and all the other networks that you have.
If you want to use free blogging services, you can use Wordpress.com, and Blogger.com. They are both free, and rank so well in Google.
If you want to have your own domain name, host your own blog, and have much more control over your website, you can use wordpress.org. Here is how you can get a Wordpress.org blog. You can go to Hostgator, buy a domain name, and have it hosted by Hostgator itself. They have great hosting services and plans. Then you can install a Wordpress blogging platform on your shared hosting account from inside your website Control Panel in less than 10 minutes, and you are ready to go.
On your blog, you introduce yourself to your audience as a person, not as salesperson. Your blog is all about you as a person, and your goal is to brand yourself, and not your business opportunity on your blog.
Here is what you do on your blog:
Make at least two new posts every week. Your posts should be short, to the point, informative, and well written. Remember that every post should talk to your reader about only one point and then sign off. About structuring the text, you need to break the text down to digestible chunks, paragraph, etc., so your readers want to read through your posts. You need to make every effort to make it as easy as possible for them to read your posts.
Put your affiliate links on your blog, so your visitors can sign up to different services through your links. This way, you will get paid if someone signs up through your.
Along with your Aweber account, you will have an option to make web forms, and place them wherever you want. You want to go to your Aweber account, create a list, make a web form related to that list, and then place it on your blog. Your visitors can then subscribe to your blog- as you can see on the top right hand side of this page- through your form, and then be added to your broadcast list.
Article help you a lot in ranking in search engines, and you can link back to your blog through your articles.
You can start with Ezinearticles, and then publish your articles to more websites as you go along.
Follow this plan for at least two months, and you will definitely be successful. Thank you for your attention.